Mainlevel evaluates projects, programmes, strategies and organisational performance with the aim of delivering insights into lessons learned and making recommendations.
We base our evaluations on the most suitable methodology for our clients’ particular needs. Our evaluation expertise covers the full range of possible approaches – from pragmatic to highly scientific.

What we do
Our evaluation services include:
Theory-based evaluations
OECD-DAC evaluations
Counterfactual-based evaluations
Strategic/developmental evaluations

Featured Projects

Growing effectively: scaling projects against child and youth poverty - Life Goals project
The project scales up existing local project structures to several regions in Austria and establish a network of experienced facilitators and multipliers through capacity building measures.
Assessing the impact of Fairtrade on poverty reduction and rural development
This global research project commissioned by Fairtrade Germany and Austria aims to examine the contribution of Fairtrade in selected regions of Peru and Ghana.
GIZ: Central Project Evaluations
Our consultants assess GIZ projects along with the OECD-DAC criteria. Contribution analyses are applied as the minimum standard to understand the projects’ effectiveness and impact.